

We are sorry about our Natural Science forum is postponed. This Forum should be held on site, and there is a ray of hope in the effectiveness of the vaccine. Now we are considering during this time. The Forum will be held in Hiroshima and Dresden.

We decided to hold during 26th. Feb. to 3rd of Mar, 2023.


The opening decades of the new century witnessed the increase of fundamental investigations and breakthrough discoveries in the natural sciences including physics, chemistry, astrophysics, earth sciences and molecular biology. These scientific advances were enabled by the rapid progress of emerging technologies and digital communications which revolutionized the approach to research, as well as its content.
The other side of the coin is that fundamental studies supported by in-depth physical analysis and mathematical modelling are being replaced by the intensive accumulation of a plethora of disconnected data with little comprehension of its meaning. As a result, modern research communities are divided into a large number of small groups with small communication between them. The conceptual disorder and increasing fragmentation of our knowledge may threaten the very existence of science.
The communication crisis in modern science brings to mind the Biblical story of the tower of Babel. In this story, a group of highly educated and experienced people designed and began the construction of a huge tower to reach the heavens. However, the lack of communication within this team led to catastrophe. This ancient wisdom gives an important admonishment that rapid technical progress is fraught with devastating consequences.
« The Tower of Babel »  Marten van Valckenborch, 1595
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Photograph: Hans Peter Klut/Elke Estel
NATURAL SCIENCE FORUM is a place where scientists from different research communities meet together to seek and develop new approaches and effective research standards to respond to the great changes and new tendencies in modern science.