Natural Science Meetings are one week colloquiums for young scientists. Every Meeting is dedicated to one of a most topical problem in physics, chemistry, or biology and presented by one of the experts in the field. The working days program consists of morning lectures given by the prominent guest and following panel discussions, Agora talks, and round table dialogs in the afternoons.
The Meetings are not centered on the presentation of research results or tutorial materials. Instead, they address shortcomings and disproportions arising in modern science. During the last few decades, the impressive advances in experimental equipment and powerful numerical tools strongly accelerate fundamental investigations and greatly increase their impact on modern technologies. However, the increasing separation of the research communities into small, weakly communicating groups and disproportionate progress in fundamental understanding of empirical data are downsides of the recent scientific development. The main goal of the Natural Science Meetings is to improve research processes, help to eliminate negative tendencies, and restore the integrity of science.